Cadillac Tax

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Cadillac Tax


Under the Affordable Care Act, employer-sponsored health benefits whose value is considered too rich will be subject to an excise tax. It is called the High-Cost Excise Tax.

♦ In January 2018, the tax was suspended until 2022.

♦ July 17, 2019 - The House voted 419 to 6 to repeal the Cadillac tax.

The tax is commonly referred to as the “Cadillac tax”. It will equal 40 percent of the value of health benefits exceeding thresholds projected to be $10,800 for single coverage and $29,050 for family coverage.

♦ Employer-provided health benefits are excluded from taxable income, reducing income and payroll tax revenue by an estimated $260 billion in 2017.

Many prominent economists favor the Cadillac tax to help prevent overuse of tax-favored items. Labor union are opposed to this tax because it would affect generous healthcare plans.